Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Gay Marriage in Vermont

This week in class we focused on Mark Lilla’s The StillBorn God. Lilla talks about this tension between government and religion. They seem to overlap making it very hard to keep politics out of religion and religion out of politics. We are having this issue right now in Vermont with legalizing same sex marriage. Many people are outraged at this proposal, supporting pins that say marriage = 1 man and 1 woman. One couple interviewed said “marriage is between a man and a woman that’s the way Gog designed us”. How do they know what God designed? Why is their religion right and others not? I am honestly outraged that people are involving themselves in matters that have no effect on their everyday life. While this may go against their religion, we live in a world where you are free to choose your own religion and should not force your religion on anyone. They should have no say over another’s happiness. This bill will give same sex couples more legal rights and the “pride” that comes with saying you are married. They are having a meeting tonight that is open for people to talk about the issue in Montpelier. This seems to be a problem for older adults who cannot accept a totally new idea that was banned during their era. I feel it is time for this change because it creates happiness for more people with little to no negative effect on others lives.
Click here to watch video
Here government is trying to pass a bill they believe will create marriage equality. If this bill is passed we will be the fourth state to legalize same sex marriage falling behind California, Massachusetts and Connecticut. Will this bill be able to pass and not let religious beliefs stop it?


  1. California voters decided that marriage is between a man and a woman.

    Marriage is a social contract and should be organized by the people. Vermont legislature should let the people decide.

    Also, religion is just another belief system...so why is one belief system (non religious v. religious) more valid than another? Hence, the voting system. We decide as a people.

    As a side note: government doesn't care about marriage because of love or social status. Marriage is the only legal/social encouragement for a child's right to a mom and a dad.

  2. I completely disagree with this. A child's right is to have a mom and dad isn't true. The child has a right to be nourished by two people who love them. That doesn't mean that it has to be a mother and father. Two moms and two dads who love the child will still nourish the child just like a mom and dad. I like the idea of a voting system and having the people decided. In Vermont, I think since we were the first state to pass civil unions, I think that it would pass in Vermont. There is a big difference between California and Vermont, so even though California decided that marriage is between a man and a women, I think Vermont would think something completely different.

  3. I totally agree with Sam, a child should be in a loving home and with more than one parent whether it be a man and woman, two men, or two women. These days the divorce rate is so high between classic marriages that children usually only have one live in parent and see the other occasionally. If two people love each and want to have a child their gender should not matter and they should be allowed to express their love through marriage. I also think that the law will pass allowing gay marriage in the state of Vermont due to the amount of support it has already generated.

  4. It takes more than love. Two moms can never give a child what a dad can, and two dads can never be a mom, no matter how loving. The reason is that gender matters. Each gender is unique. I think it's a mistake to raise kids in an environment that assures they will be motherless or fatherless by design.
