Tuesday, April 14, 2009


This week was Easter Sunday, the celebration of the resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ. For me, this holiday has no meaning, but for other students, Easter has so much meaning, or at least that’s what it seems like. I mean, I knew this holiday existed, but didn’t know when it was till this Friday, when many of the students were going home to celebrate with their families. Since I am one of those people that does not celebrate Easter, and don’t really know much about Easter. I decided to look into what Easter really is. Some of the questions that I thought of where: what is with all of those rabbits, and the colored eggs?

This Easter celebration happens every year, and churches are packed with strangers, women are dressed in fancy clothes and men in suites. After the service is over, kids scramble across the yards searching for eggs under the trees, porches, flowerbeds, and near the scrubs. What is the point of searching for eggs? Where does this egg hunting come into play? I thought Easter Sunday was the celebration of Jesus Christ rising from the dead. I just don’t understand where this egg hunting thing comes from.

I guess in order to understand what the meaning of Easter is, you have to talk to a true Christian and I did. I called my friend from back home who goes to church pretty much every day and asked him, “What is the meaning of Easter to Christians?” and he said Christians look beyond nature to the creator, the true and living God who put everything in motion and who keeps making move all the things by his eternal word. At this time of the year, Christians look back and remember the terrible death Jesus Christ went through and the awesome resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter is sacred day to all Christians; it’s the day we celebrate for his scarifies, his gift of life, and the power of light to every darken soul.

This is just part of the story he told me. It was just amazing to listen to a person who can talk about their religion and knew so much about it. Then he sent me this video called “Easter.” Do all religious people know this much about their religion?


  1. I celebrate Easter with my family and friends but honestly I couldn't tell you the religous ideas behind Easter. I know some simple facts about Easter but I don't attend Church on Easter. For me Easter is a time where all my family gets together and we go to breakfast with my dads side of the family and then we have an Easter dinner on my moms side. That's what Easter means to me. I find it interesting that many people are probably in my shoes and don't know alot about their own religion.

  2. I am in the same shoes, and I found a lot of my friends are the same. To a lot of us Easter is about getting together with the family, and getting a basket of candy. Also, they just know the basics of what the meaning of Easter is and that is as Enrique said the resurrection of Jesus. When i was living in England we would always watch the movies about Jesus when it was Easter time. But we never had the other background history to what Easter was.
