Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Here it comes the final exams

Well, it’s finally week fifteen and now is the time when every student is stressing over papers and studying for their final exams. After the semester of work, the student can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and then, bam, the whole world comes crashing down on you. You have so many exams that you need to study for, and are you going to be ready for all of your exams at the end of the day?

After already being tested on all the materials in a course throughout the semester, you are now asked to recall fifteen weeks of material on dates, numbers and definitions. Is this fair? For students, this is not fair, but for the professors, it seems like this is not a problem. We, the students want to argue with the professors about the type of exam that he or she is planning to give, but we know we are going to lose the argument. The only thing we are going to hear from the professors is “life isn’t fair” lecture. Let’s face it. With the finals right around the corner, we don’t have time to argue. Time is a very valuable commodity at this time of the semester.

For many students, the time before finals is a very stressful time. Before finals, it is usually where emotions are very high with desperate acts: study, cry, study, pray, study, cry, pray. And if you were like me: study, cry, curse, study, cry, curse. No matter which merry-go-around wagon you jump on, the end result is going to be the same: an upset stomach and nearly not prepared enough to take the final exam.

Majority of the student at this time of the year are writing papers and studying for their final exams. It’s not just this year; this happens every year. And this keeps continuing every year and for generations. This is the time when student know they have to study extremely hard in order to pass the class. Can anyone be prepared to take comprehensive final? Instead of taking this long exam, would you rather give up one of your limbs then take the exam? Or do you need Stewie to help you to study for your final exam? Click to see the video.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I feel your pain Enrique. I really should have started my paper for Capitalism & Democracy earlier than the night before it was due...but things always manage to get done when the pressure's on.

  3. I agree too. Even though I started my paper early, I was still stressing about it because it wasn't done. And how that finals are coming Im stressing even more to get what I need to get done. My emotions usually go study, cry, scream, eat, study, cry, scream, eat. Good luck on finals!

  4. This is basically word for word how it goes every semester. I have started to realize also that this is not going to end in college. Ive seen many people in professional careers doing well come to the same troubles. quarterly tax season, paying the bills, tying up ends at work and many other situations are all examples of coming to the end of a time and having to crunch the numbers.

    I personally feel strongly that final exams are not very useful because in order to pass a final you need to cram all this information into your head, temporarily, and then that night you overwrite it with other information for the next. I feel this is counterproductive. Personally I learn a lot more from projects and feel as though I am getting more out of them. When we get into the real world we aren't going to be taking tests more than giving presentations, working as part of a team, or putting together a project for a higher power.

    Good luck on finals, projects, and presentations everyone and have a great summer!

