Sunday, April 26, 2009


As I get older, I continue my quest to what I truly believe in. I feel myself extremely critical of religion, but believing in something above me. When I watched Bill Maher’s film Religulous, I was a huge fan because I appreciated how he questioned the religious extremists. How does Bill Maher or these religious extremists know that either is correct? Once studying religion in the Secular and the Sacred it is hard to segregate myself from parts of society that mention religion. Every object or person I see or hear that refers to religion, I relate it to this class. In the light of this realization, a couple weeks ago I saw the film Watchmen, which made many connections to components and themes within the Secular and the Sacred. This film not only recreated a comic book, but made many comments on American culture as well.
When viewing Watchmen, there were many comments about American society and how it functions. Watchmen made points about how advanced humans were becoming. In these advancements, people were ruining the human race. These advancements were making humans empty and detached from reality. This detachment reminded me of "The End Of Solitude" where the idea of people longer being alone and constantly engulfed in technology is presented. Similar to this concept, the humans in Watchmen need more than this technology, they need people to look over them when the world is not working out. The only thing to make the human race better was a group of super heroes who were nearly non-human. When this group of super heroes could not do anymore to save humans, they were looked at as deranged and evil.
From seeing Watchmen, I wonder is if this is what the film and comic book were predicting for the human race. Since the beginning of time, many humans have looked up to a higher being to be the savior. When things in life go wrong, they turn to this savior to eventually fix what has gone wrong in their lives. What if this is what ends religion? What if people forget about religion because the world may get to a point of no hope that even God looks evil or non-existent?
A point in Watchmen that stuck with me was when Dr. Manhattan spoke to his girlfriend, Laurie Jupiter in outer space of how the universe moves along with no regard for the human race. He claims that it gets along just fine whether one person dies or makes a difference on Earth. Although Watchmen is just a movie, it was a scary concept to grasp and probably a frightening one for many people. What if this is the truth? Without the organization of religion, would humans be disorganized and in absolute mayhem? Would human life just lose its value?

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